Artificial Intelligence in Education

Outsmarting the Machine: Redesigning Education to Make Students, Teachers Relevant in the Algorithm Age

With the advancement of algorithms and artificial intelligence expected to impact the economy and job market, should there be an algorithm curriculum worked in through K–12? The Pew Research Center’s Lee Rainie discusses how research and development in algorithms will impact K–12, higher education and the next-generation labor force.

Artificial Intelligence is Not the Silver Bullet for K–12

Due to a number of high profile successes (e.g., beating the world Go champion) recently, Artificial Intelligence technologies have been receiving a great deal of attention by companies and by the press. K–12 doesn’t want to be left out! But, in this week’s blog post we argue that, for good reason, K–12 shouldn’t be looking to AI to solve its problems.

Apple, UC Berkeley, Arizona State U, Others Join Board for Partnership on AI

The consortium Friday announced that the head of advancement for the AI chatbot Siri would be joining its leadership team, as well as six other individuals who are working to advance artificial intelligence research.
