Artificial Intelligence in Education

AI to Take Much Greater Role in Privacy Compliance

Artificial intelligence will power 40 percent of privacy compliance technologies within the next htree years. That’s up from 5 percent now, according to market research firm Gartner.

K–12 Ed Tech Investments Dive

Education technology companies are rolling in the dough, according to a report that tracks global learning tech investment trends. However, investments specifically in Pre-K–12 sunk dramatically.

Robotics Contest to Award $100,000 in Amazon Gift Cards, LEGO Robotics Kits

The LEGO MINDSTORMS Voice Challenge connects LEGO robots to the Amazon Alexa Gadgets Toolkit and tasks contest participants to create voice-powered experiences.

Wyebot Launches WiFi Network Solution Platform

The company’s Wireless Intelligence Platform uses artificial intelligence identify potential WiFi connection threats and actionable steps to optimize performance.

Amazon Introduces Alexa Education Skill API

The new set of application programming interfaces will give developers the ability to create Alexa skills that can be integrated into their education technology systems and platforms

Interest in Game-Based Learning Surges

A new report finds that game-based learning revenues will quadruple over the next five years, to reach over $24 billion by 2020.

Why It's Time to Transform Your Classroom with AI

As these teachers have come to understand, you don't have to be technically minded to introduce your students to the important concepts behind artificial intelligence.

AI Education Nonprofit Receives $1.1 Million in Funding

Artificial intelligence education nonprofit Iridescent has received $625,000 in new funding, following a recent $500,000 investment. The group’s purpose is to work with underrepresented youth to help them “to become self-motivated learners inventors, and leaders.”

AI Research to Focus on Academic and Social-Emotional Growth

The University of Montreal and Classcraft are teaming up to research how artificial intelligence plays a role in the classroom setting.

New Research Project Exploring AI in K–12

The project will explore the impact of AI-driven learning experiences on student outcomes, including academic growth and social emotional learning.
