Artificial Intelligence in Education

Research Asks If Machine Learning Can Make Better Enrollment Predictions

Could artificial intelligence help school districts better predict their fall enrollments? That was the question a team of researchers asked on behalf of the School District of Philadelphia.

Education Professionals Now Overwhelmingly Seek Changes in Their Careers

The pandemic has left the global workforce in a state of flux, with the vast majority of employees — including those in the education sector — looking for changes in their careers and in the workplace.

Discovery Ed Speeds Teaching Recommendations with Addition of AWS ML

Discovery Education has added machine learning to its learning platform, to personalize recommendations to the teachers who use the platform as they're putting together lessons. The personalization technology, which is produced by Amazon Web Services, will be used to customize the choices shown in a "Just for You" area on each educator's homepage within the program. The goal is to speed up the process of finding just the right digital resources, based on a number of factors, including designated preferences, previous selections and grade level.

7 Benefits of AI in Education

Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are key drivers of growth and innovation across all industries, and the education sector is no different. According to eLearning Industry, upwards of 47% of learning management tools will be enabled with AI capabilities in the next three years.

NVIDIA Joins with AI Pathways Program to Expand Access to AI and Robotics Education

NVIDIA has entered into a three-year partnership with Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Pennsylvania (BGCWPA) to support the AI Pathways Institute, a program that exposes students to artificial intelligence and robotics education. The aim of the partnership, according to NVIDIA, is to expand access to the program “to more students, particularly those from underserved and underrepresented communities.”

New Online School Offers AI Courses for Ages 7–18

A company has begun publishing online courses to help students learn about artificial intelligence. AI World School, launched by a company that produces robotics products for education, has developed a set of classes appropriate for three age ranges: 7 to 10, 11 to 13 and 14 and older.

Report: There's More to Come for AI in Ed

The biggest uses for artificial intelligence in education have not been invented yet. But whatever they end up being, people working on AI applications need to keep educators and education policy makers well informed "early and deeply." That's the conclusion of a new report recently issued by the Center for Integrative Research in Computing and Learning Sciences.

Digital Promise Announces Merger with Edcamp, AI Pilot and New Digital Learning Microcredential

Digital Promise, the organization that focuses on accelerating innovation in education, especially through the smart use of technology, hasn't stopped moving ahead with initiatives, even as schools have had to slow down some of their operations.

Sending AI Off to School

Can machine learning really free up time dedicated to grunt work, giving your educators more time for working with students?

Report: Best Use of AI in Augmenting (Not Replacing) Teacher

A new report is out to help teachers and school leaders understand how artificial intelligence can change education.
