
Welcome to our free K-12-technology-in-the-classroom white paper and case study library from our sponsors. Click a title to read more or download.

Meeting Technology Goals with the Cloud in Austin

Read this case study to find out how the Austin Independent School District is using the cloud to drive the district’s three essential technology goals: simple, standard and secure.

Your Blueprint for Building an Online Learning Program

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to online education. By selecting the right tools and asking the right questions, you can build your own path to success – and FlexPoint is here to help!

Beyond The IT Department: The Emergence of the CIO as a Digital Leader in K-12 Districts

The pandemic and resulting seismic shifts in school models opened the eyes of many to see technology use through a new lens. Now, armed with these experiential sightlines, many K-12 teachers, principals, administrators, and staff are investigating how to more effectively use technology resources to drive greater efficiency and effectiveness, including in teaching and learning.

5 Steps To Reviewing Your Digital Learning Ecosystem

There are many considerations to take into account in order to ensure technology is best serving learners and educators. These include reviewing current edtech investments and their impact, setting clear goals and objectives for your investments, confirming privacy policy compliance, and developing a budget allocation strategy.

7 Strategies for Improving Student Safety With Technology

School districts across the nation are facing an uphill battle when it comes to providing adequate mental health and safety support to their students. The Great Resignation has left school safety teams short-staffed and overwhelmed—a dangerous combination as school violence is on the rise and student mental health is on the decline.

Planning for the Future

In response to the pandemic, schools very rapidly deployed technologies for teaching, learning, and collaborating in an online or hybrid environment. They also developed the capacity of teachers and students to use all these tools. But now what should their plan be moving forward?

Exam Prep Guide: Five Steps to Effective Test Prep Through High-Impact Tutoring

With the unprecedented declines in academic achievement, many educators, along with parents, community groups, and school partners have aggressively pursued equity and improved outcomes through high-impact tutoring.

Solving IT Staffing Challenges With Managed Services

Historically, K-12 School Systems have taken a “do-it-yourself” approach to deploying and managing their network infrastructure. However, K-12 leaders are starting to rethink this method as they look for ways to solve for a shortage of IT talent.