
Welcome to our free K-12-technology-in-the-classroom white paper and case study library from our sponsors. Click a title to read more or download.

EdTech Classroom Panel: Cybersecurity: What Education Leaders Should Know Now

The rush to digital transformation during the pandemic, paired with a sharp increase in cyberattacks, has created a perfect storm for cybersecurity in education — and an expensive one. Not only have the costs of ransomware attacks skyrocketed to the six-figure range, but cyber-insurance premiums have also jumped as much as 300% for organizations that don’t have best-in-class security controls in place. Bottom line: It’s more important than ever to have a robust cybersecurity strategy in place on campus. Tune in to learn everything you need to know to get there.

Before the Bell: Elevate Student Experiences Powered by Genesys

Colleges and universities are under increasing pressure to migrate from traditional modes of student engagement to leverage digital technology capabilities. Aside from the need to meet students who have grown up in a heavily digital world “where they live” – institutions are experiencing staff and budgetary shortfalls that make traditional modes of engagement unsustainable. Anymore, deploying high quality digital-based technologies to deliver intelligent, interactive and personalized support is essential to support students in their day-to-day academic and campus life experiences. This presentation will highlight how Genesys is enhancing the student experience and supports current and emerging capabilities that can boost campus efforts.

EdTech Before the Bell: Acing Cybersecurity with Limited Resources

With a massively expanded attack surface due to remote learning in the face of COVID19 and a vast amount of valuable personally identifiable information (PII), targeted attacks on educational districts and institutions have skyrocketed with 166 incidents in 2021. As school boards look to underfunded security programs to protect this information and preserve the student’s ability to learn, security resources are stretched thin and struggle to remain resilient.

EdTech Before the Bell: The Connected Campus - Zoom Today Beyond Meetings

Please join Dr. Lance Ford as he shares the advancements of Zoom technology and the specific value that Zoom can bring to educational facilities. If all you know is Zoom Meetings, you only know 15% of the value that Zoom can deliver to your campus/classroom. Dr. Ford is an educator himself, and will share where Zoom plays a role in security, face to face connectivity, classroom enhancements, language transcription, and campus connectivity.

5 Critical Steps to Cyber Resilience

As the digital footprint expanded dramatically during the pandemic, K–12 districts are under greater pressure than ever before to shore up their data defenses.

AI-Powered Student Safety and Wellbeing

Protecting modern students requires a completely cloud-based solution that leverages data from best-in-class technologies already deployed by schools including integration with identity management, collaboration tools, next-generation firewalls, and learning management systems.

Security is Key to Sustaining Digital Momentum in K-12

Rapidly changing security threats are forcing schools to move beyond point solutions that have proved both difficult to manage and ineffective in checking cyber threats.

Who are Swing Subs?

Meet the substitute teachers who work with Swing